Handke, as of THE GOALIE'S ANXIETY AT THE PENALTY KICK (1969)has been writing spectacular openings of all kinds - one thing that they have in common is that the grab the reader's attention in one fell swoop - in the shorter works and the plas - think RIDE ABOUT LAKE CONSTANCE - or somewhat more gradually inveigle the attention. This ability, that of a musician, is also noticeable in MORAVIAN NIGHT... and I will post a little essay on the matter when the time comes. Winter 2012-2013

I have changed the title of this page to ARTFULNESS & OPENINGS since the variety of oopopenings are but one prominent example of what attracts me most to Handke's texts, say as of WALK ABOUT THE VILLAGES. which voices the lack of "artfulness" in modern buildings metaphorically. Living in the USA, a country of now hip-hop, Trump and the like its moronic crudities can of course easily drive you mad. Aside the wonderful specific artful manner in which MORAWIAN NIGHT sets out, I will & perhaps Scott & other will cite andq quote especially artful moments from these riches. 

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